Northumberland Dog Rescue

Registered Charity Number: 1170022
This page is proudly dedicated to those dogs who have overcome the most in their short lives.

After spending quite some time in the kennels which wasn't due to a lack of interest, but just not quite making the right match, along came a lovely couple who were no strangers to us.
Five and a half years ago a shihtzu x called Lucy went to an amazing home, the couple already had a resident dog. Sadly their other dog passed away of old age and Lucy became an only dog.
Flapjack kept catching the ladies eye and so they emailed in. As always we were very honest about some of Flapjacks shall we say 'quirks', however they were not put off and a meeting was arranged and it was love at first sight all round.
The final test was Lucy's approval which thankfully being on his best gentlemanly behaviour Flapjack gained and he now trails lovingly behind her.

Four years ago I was shown a thumbnail photo on Facebook of a couple of puppies. I wasn’t really looking - but suddenly I was and my attention was completely gripped by a shepherd-like ball of fluff. So where was the harm in having a closer look? The following morning I rang to arrange a visit but Fluffy had already found a home. Well, it seemed heartless not to go and look at the other one so off we went. From the off little Missy was on the ball. Yes! I can follow a bit of sausage at your side. Yes! I can sit if you feed me. Yes! I can race across the garden to you. So Yes! You can come home with me and 2 days later she did just that.
Missy was a quick learner with lots of drive and energy. She was up for anything and everything from the word go. I love working trials, agility and rally and, it turns out, so does she - we couldn’t have been better matched. She was a joy to train, it was just unfortunate timing that Covid came upon us just as she was old enough to start competing fully.
A couple of years down the line and her opportunities came. She is now competing in the third level (of four) in working trials and has collected 4 ‘best track’ trophies along the way. In her first Kennel Club agility competition she had 2 wins and earned enough points to take her straight to grade 2. Dogs are allowed to compete in the early stakes of Rally from 6 months so she gained her first level one ‘Excellent’ and level 2 ‘Excellent’ qualifications when she was only 10 months old and hasn’t looked back. She has also competed successfully in our Dog Club and Canine Centre events and in UK Dog Sport and UK Tracking.
Not many dogs compete in multiple sports but Missy and I are determined to get as far as we can in whatever we can. We train for working trials every Monday, she has an agility class on Tuesday, Rally on Thursday and we throw in a bit of heel work to music on a Friday afternoon now and then. And every day, rain or shine, starts with a lovely, long walk on the beach.
Is there a ‘but’? Well, yes, I suppose her exuberance and excitability does mean you may hear her before you see her. But I get that, if I was a dog I’d be exactly the same. I have to add, even if she could do none of the above, she would still be my constant companion and best friend. I’m sure her fluffier sister is equally as precious to her family but it was certainly my lucky day when I met Missy.

8 year old Duke was a little Staffy who we took in during November 2019 and was in the most shocking state. Duke had a severe back injury incurred in his previous life. Unfortunately, Duke never received the appropriate vet care in this time, thus leaving him with paralysis in his hind legs. Duke used to drag himself around using just his front legs, it was truly heart-breaking to witness. In addition to this, he also had severe infections in both of his ears which has left him with partial hearing.
Duke never let any of this hold him back and a year on, with extensive physiotherapy and a dedicated team of staff and volunteers we achieved the impossible and got Duke walking again! He will always have some trouble walking but his quality of life is 100% improved, He has never let his disability hold him back and he is one of the happiest, most loving dogs we have ever had at Northumberland Dog Rescue. It took us a while to find Duke his forever home, he had very few enquiries, even after being featured in the local newspapers; it was very sad. But then his special person came along, it was a match made in heaven from day one. Duke is now living his best life and is spoilt rotten by his new mum.

14 year old Bailey the miniature Jack Russel came into our care near the end of 2021. She was in a terrible state; filthy, emaciated and with a mouth full of rotten teeth. We believe she was used for breeding, then locked away in a bedroom on her own for years. She weighed just 2.9 kilos. To begin with, Bailey had an extensive dental in which 7 teeth were removed.
She was put onto a special feeding regime to help her gain weight and build her muscles up. Bailey also needed time to build her confidence; she used to hide under the sofa, never taking her eyes off of you. To sleep, she would curl up into a very tight little ball, waking up every 5 minutes to warily check the room. But, week by week, her confidence grew. She began to explore the garden, play with toys, and enjoy life again.
Now, Bailey is full of beans and so loving, most people who meet her think she is a puppy! Her most favourite place to be is in the garden, she loves having a good sniff and then finding herself a patch of sun to lie in and have a snooze. She also loves her walks, her most favourite being a trip to the woods.
Cases like Bailey can really get you down, but the reward of seeing the changes in these dogs, seeing them happy and loved, makes it all worth it in the end.